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MensajeTema: Allegorithmic Substa...   Allegorithmic Substa... EmptyMiér Nov 02, 2016 11:50 pm

Allegorithmic Substance Designer v5.2.5 build 16534 (x64)
Allegorithmic Substa... 117c735ae53a4bde02d9b4f79c74e66b

Allegorithmic Substance Designer v5.2.5 build 16534 (x64) | 188MB
Substance Designer is a node-based texture compositing tool that allows you to create Substance files or bitmap textures. You can use it to texture assets and also bake model information (ex: normal, displacement, curvature etc.). It contains a wide library of tools, materials and procedural effects to help you achieve your goals in a fully non-destructive workflow.

Node-based texturing. Allowing non-linear workflow and quick iterations.
Substance Designer 5 is a node based texturing tool. Tired of messy layers ? Fit everything you need in a few compact and handy nodes. Let Substance connect all the channels for you and focus on what really matters: your art.
The industry standard for PBR texturing
Substance Designer is a powerful node-based texturing tool tailor-made for Physically Based Rendering and extensively used by more than 50 AAA game projects.
PBR Viewport
The 3D View allows to visualize on your mesh all your texturing work in real time.
Compatible with any game engine.
Substance Designer lets you to create your own templates, making it compatible with any game engine on the market, or your in-house engine.
The New Generation of Procedural Art
Substance Designer 5 is powered by Substance Engine 2, the new iteration of the renown procedural technology developed by Allegorithmic. It unleashes an incredible power of expression and fosters a new form of digital creativity.
Integrated bakers
Our embedded bakers allow you to bake your maps at light-speed directly within your software.
Production ready.
Substance Designer has been thought to integrate easily in your work environment.
OS : ShiChuang Vista / ShiChuang 7 (64bit) / ShiChuang 8 (64bit)
Language : English
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