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VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_lcapVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Voting_barVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_rcap 
VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_lcapVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Voting_barVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_rcap 
VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_lcapVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Voting_barVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_rcap 
VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_lcapVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Voting_barVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_rcap 
VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_lcapVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Voting_barVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_rcap 
VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_lcapVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Voting_barVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_rcap 
VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_lcapVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Voting_barVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_rcap 
VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_lcapVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Voting_barVSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Vote_rcap 
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Fecha de inscripción : 21/09/2016

VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Empty
MensajeTema: VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6....   VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... EmptyVie Nov 25, 2016 8:17 pm

VSO ConvertXtoDVD Multilingual Portable
VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6.... Pnjc_FDo_Me6i_Ybkj_MYEHw_JXV5_Rh_ZCGa_K5

VSO ConvertXtoDVD Multilingual Portable | 53.3 MB

VSO ConvertXtoDVD 6 is a software to convert your videos to DVD and watch on any DVD player. It allows to convert Avi to DVD, DivX to DVD, WMV to DVD, RM to DVD, YouTube to DVD etc...and burn automatically to DVD after video conversion. With ConvertXtoDVD and in a few clicks you can backup your movies to DVD playable on any home DVD player. ConvertXtoDVD, the AVI to DVD converter software, has included a conversion advisor tool that will automatically apply the best quality settings based on the videos you have added to your project. Create DVDs from various video formats to watch them on TV with any DVD player. Add 1 or more video files, insert a blank DVD and your videos will be converted and burnt automatically on to DVD with chapters and an elegant DVD menu. No external codecs needed.

Best quality with the fastest conversions possible is the way VSO ConvertXtoDVD is developed to meet the needs of both beginner and advanced users.

VSO ConvertXtoDVD allows to convert:
* AVI to DVD
* MKV to DVD
* MOV to DVD
* Divx to DVD
* WMV to DVD
* MTS and M2TS to DVD
* Mpeg to DVD, MP4 to DVD
* and more (see supported formats)

Create menus and chapters, cut videos, total customization with live preview.
Edit your project with the various settings and features listed below. Watch results before converting!
* Create menus with videos and music
* Integrated video player for live Preview
* Cut unwanted parts of the video
* Add chapters - automatic or custom
* Subtitle files supported
* Convert NTSC to PAL and vice-versa
* Merge function - like for CD1 + CD2
* Rotate video, add brightness/contrast

Advanced settings for ultimate conversions:
* 2 pass encoding for enhanced quality
* Hardware decoding for faster conversions
* Video/Audio/Subtitle synchronisation
* Various audio output formats
* Image resize filters (lanczos, linear, cubic, etc . . .)
* Multiple encoding profiles
* Multi-core processor optimized
* Audio amplifier
* Padding and cropping
* De-interlacing
* Batch converter
* Multiple conversions processed simultaneously
* Quality advisor

Burn to DVD, create ISO file or store on PC.
Create DVD video standard videos (vob files) to guarantee compatibility with all home DVD players.
* Compatible with any disks (see supported format tab)
* ISO output available
* NTSC + PAL region formats
* 16:9 widescreen + 4:3 fullscreen
* Burn multiple copies
* VSO burning engine included
* Various SD resolutions available
* Custom output size
* Burn on DVD/USB key or store on PC

Whats New :
- 0011497: ug Menu editor - Missing overlays in simple (open style) theme (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011496: ug font size is abnormally small (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011462: [Crash] loading a subtitle file with browser window or dragging or dropping user appears to "stop responding" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011475: ug change text "shaw" to "show" (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011484: ug changing advanced subtitle settings in default settings and importing changes results: "cannot focus a disabled or invisible... (cedric) - resolved.
- 0011493: ug Getting access violation when opening subtitle editor (cedric) - resolved.

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