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Extensis Universal T... Vote_lcapExtensis Universal T... Voting_barExtensis Universal T... Vote_rcap 
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Mensajes : 46481
Fecha de inscripción : 21/09/2016

Extensis Universal T... Empty
MensajeTema: Extensis Universal T...   Extensis Universal T... EmptyLun Nov 28, 2016 3:31 am

Extensis Universal Type Server Enterprise 6.1.0
Extensis Universal T... 3d6987fe10ced2775062

Extensis Universal Type Server Enterprise 6.1.0 | 536 MB

Your secret weapon in the eternal struggle between creative liberties and compliance demands. This is the worlds leading font server, and for good reason. There is just no more effective solution for helping you manage, organize, and distribute your entire font library. It centralizes your collection into a single, secure location and delivers them to your users wherever they are.

Your Teams Font Manager
Managing your fonts with Universal Type Server fuels your teams creativity and productivity.
Store all of your fonts in a centralized, server-based font manager to ensure consistent, worry-free font usage across all of your projects.

Font Software That Easy To Administer
Universal Type Server makes it easy to keep your team on task with minimal effort. Simple to setup, IT professionals love how easy it is to maintain reliably. Font Server Admins often admit that they Set it and forget it!

Ensure Creativity and Font Discovery
Give your team easy access to the typographic resources they need to stay productive.
Fonts are automatically distributed to your team, and the Universal Type Client makes it easy to browse, compare, search, discover and use fonts in projects.

Server-based Font Management Best Practices
Learn how to plan for and best implement a font server to help your team.

Integration With Your Professional Tools
Universal Type Server includes tight integration with the creative software that you are already using. With Font Sense powered font auto-activation plug-ins, enterprise font management has never been so seamless.

InDesign Server Font Automation
FontLink delivers fonts for documents in automated publishing workflows that use Adobe InDesign Server.

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