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Roxio Creator NXT Pr... Vote_lcapRoxio Creator NXT Pr... Voting_barRoxio Creator NXT Pr... Vote_rcap 
Roxio Creator NXT Pr... Vote_lcapRoxio Creator NXT Pr... Voting_barRoxio Creator NXT Pr... Vote_rcap 
Roxio Creator NXT Pr... Vote_lcapRoxio Creator NXT Pr... Voting_barRoxio Creator NXT Pr... Vote_rcap 
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Roxio Creator NXT Pr... Vote_lcapRoxio Creator NXT Pr... Voting_barRoxio Creator NXT Pr... Vote_rcap 
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Junio 2024
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MensajeTema: Roxio Creator NXT Pr...   Roxio Creator NXT Pr... EmptyDom Dic 11, 2016 12:54 am

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 3
Roxio Creator NXT Pr... 1

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 3 | 3.09 GB
Roxio Creator NXT 3 - a new version of a software package for producing professional-quality multimedia materials, for recording, editing and publishing of personal videos, including high-definition recording. In addition to full support for the standard Blu-ray, the new version provides a significant advantage in speed video coding through the use of ATI Stream technology and NVIDIA CUDA.

The world-famous multimedia software suite Roxio Creator NXT 3 provides ample opportunities with 5 digital media applications: High-def Blu-ray Disc authoring plug-in for video; SonicFire Pro soundtrack creation; SoundSoap SE audio noise reduction; BackOnTrack 4 recovery and Roxio Secure Burn disc recording with password protected and encrypted.
Roxio Creator NXT 3 includes all the features of Roxio Creator NXT + 5 digital media applications:
Disk protection using encryption. Roxio Secure Burn allows you to transfer files directly from your desktop for recording or copying, and then secure the data using powerful encryption and passwords.
Recovering from a system failure. Roxio BackOnTrack 4 system restores damaged and protects your computer from failures and user errors. Provides safety for your photos, videos, music and important files.
Create your own music files. IAS SoundSoap SE removes unwanted noise from soundtracks, cleans recording LPs, cassettes and audio files. Simple and easy to use intuitive user interface.
Recording HD-video on Blu-ray discs. Blu-ray Disc Plug-in lets you create HD-video to DVD and Blu-ray discs. Using the HD-video from camcorders, TiVo DVR. Great choice of menu styles high resolution.
Digital media kit ? 1. With Roxio Creator NXT 3 can capture screenshots, enhance, preserve and share photos, videos and audio. Experience the power and benefits of working with Roxio Creator NXT 3.

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