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Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_lcapBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Voting_barBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_lcapBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Voting_barBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_lcapBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Voting_barBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_lcapBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Voting_barBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_lcapBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Voting_barBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_lcapBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Voting_barBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_lcapBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Voting_barBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_lcapBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Voting_barBrothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Vote_rcap 
Junio 2024
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» Adobe Acrobat Reader 2024.002.20895 [x86][x64] Multilingual
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Mensajes : 18473
Fecha de inscripción : 22/02/2016

Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual Empty
MensajeTema: Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual   Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual EmptyMiér Mar 08, 2017 11:50 am

Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual 9d0b2cec976e288845a8866bcc07c893
Brothers Keeper es un programa de genealogía de Windows que le ayudará a introducir y organizar su información de historial familiar y le permitirá imprimir una gran variedad de gráficos e informes.

Brothers Keeper trabaja con Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 y 8
Whats New:
(07-Mar-2017 new items or items fixed by 7.2.2 are below)
(new) New report: Ancestor Bow Tie Chart
(new) New report: Ancestor Four Lineages
(new) New option: on the Edit screen (options) to show L column with L if the location has extra details available (currently it does not show if the location has a Note or a Picture)
(new) New option: on the Edit screen there is a new option to show the marriage/family number below the spouse button. Normally you do not need to know the family number for a couple, but if you need it, you can turn on that option.
(new) On the Edit screen, hover the mouse over 'date of last change' to see the Added date and if person was brought in using GEDCOM.
(new) On the Witness grid there is a new column for Witness, Godparent, sponsor, legal witness, informant, other
(new) New report under Lists, Birth Order Report - oldest to youngest.
(new) Birth date order is a 3rd choice after you pick on Word Search, Create Report.

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Brothers Keeper 7.2.2 Multilingual

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